Etymology of Cerambycoidea in Turkey: Part I – Taxon names attributed to a person or persons (Coleoptera: Cerambycoidea)

Abstract :

The paper presents etymology of Turkish Cerambycoidea taxa that have only been restricted to valid taxon names. The present study covers the first part including taxon names attributed to a person or persons of the serial work. In the text, family-group names, genus-group names and species-groups names evaluated in separate sections. As a result, a total of 4 family-group names (1 subfamily name and 3 tribe names), 15 genus-group names (9 genus names and 6 subgenus names), 287 species-group names (218 species names and 69 subspecies names), corresponding to 27.89% of the whole species-group taxa of Turkey (1029), attributed to a person or persons are determined and presented into lists. A total of 191 endemic species-group taxa (142 species and 49 subspecies), corresponding to 18.56% of the whole species-group taxa of Turkey or 36.87% of the whole endemic species-group taxa (518), among determined 287 species-group names (218 species names and 69 subspecies names) attributed to a person or persons are endemic to Turkey.

Keyword :

Cerambycoidea, Cerambycidae, Vesperidae, etymology, Turkey

Author(s) : Özdikmen, H.
Downloads : 62
Published Issue : 2022 Vol. 17 Number 2

2022 Vol. 17 Number 2