30 Mar 2025 Pazar
Efficacy of new and conventional insecticides against aphid and whitefly of country bean
Abstract : Globally country bean (Lablab purpureus) is an excellent source of nutrients as an important delicious vegetable but infested by many insects pests. The experiment was conducted at On-farm Research Center of Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Rajbati, Dinajpur from November 2021 to February 2022. Potency of new and conventional four insecticides in managing the two major sucking pests of aphid and white fly were tested on BARI Shim-5 in RCBD. Five treatments as T1 = ACC-Cy (Cyproflanilide 10% DC), T2 = Profenofos 50% (Lambda Cyhalothrin + Profenofos), T3 = Pyriproxyfen (Pyrifen 10.8 EC) and T4 = Emamectin benzoate (Noclaim 5 SG) with 3 doses were evaluated with T5 = Untreated control. Each treatment was applied at 15 days interval and data were collected at 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th days after treatments (DATs). All the treatments were significantly reduced the aphid and whitefly infestation over control treatment. However, Profenofos 50% @ 0.75 ml L-1 of water proved to be the best against aphid and whitefly. The lowest (6.75, 5.24 and 3.92) number of aphids were counted after 1st, 2nd and 3rd spray, respectively. Similarly, the lowest (3.34) number of whiteflies were found after 3rd spray only. While, the highest mean number of aphids (31.17, 26.50 and 24.25) and whiteflies (13.83) were recorded from untreated control treatment.