12 Mar 2025 Çarşamba
Effect of various additives on vermicomposting of paper waste using epigeic earthworm, Eudrilus eugeniae (Annelida: Clitellata)
Abstract :Earthworms perform wonderful job to maintain nutrient balance in the soil by recycling of organic waste. Earthworms have been used in the degradation of various types of wastes from prehistoric times. This study examines the potential of the African night crawler, Eudrilus eugeniae in the vermicomposting of waste paper. The effect of some additives on the process of vermicomposting was also observed. A mixture of waste paper and cow dung in the ratio of 1:1 was found to be the best for the growth and survival of Eudrilus eugeniae. Trichoderma treated media was the most preferential medium (35%) followed by Vermiwash (28%) and Jaggery + Buttermilk (21%) and control (16%). An increase was noticed in various parameters like percent number, weight, percent population growth and biomass production of earthworms.
Eudrilus eugeniae, Paper waste, Trichoderma, Vermiwash, Gwalior