Effect of urea on larval pupation site preference in different species of Drosophila

Abstract :

The effect of urea has been studied on larval pupation site preference (PSP) in different species of Drosophila, which occupy different sites for pupation. The larval PSP varies with different concentration of urea. The variation is found to be significant at different sites compared to control. The effect on viability varies in all the species. D. simulans larvae showed the maximum viability rate, which indicates the tolerance for urea, which are a nitrogenous waste and a toxin

Keyword :

Drosophila, Larva, Pupation site preference, mortality, urea

Author(s) : Shivanna, N., Vandal, N. B., Kudupali, S. L., Shetty, S. B.
Downloads : 1747
Published Issue : 2012 Vol. 7 Number 2

2012 Vol. 7 Number 2