Effect of different wheat varieties on some of developmental parameters of Anagasta kuehniella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)

Abstract :

Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varietal susceptibility to the Mediterranean flour moth, Anagasta kuehniella) Zeller, 1879) was evaluated in ten dry land and irrigated wheat that was produced at Azarbayejan, Iran. In this study some biological parameters of pest were affected by evaluated wheat varieties. Investigated parameters were included weight of larvae, emergence rate of pupae, emergence rate of adults, sex ratio and fecundity. Weight of larvae, emergence rate of pupae and sex ratio in the different cultivars at probability levels of 5% were not significant. The varieties on the emergence rate of adults and fecundity at probability levels of 5% had significant difference. As the highest and lowest rates were obtained at varieties of ‘Sardari’ and ‘Shirudi’, respectively. Also the highest and lowest fecundity were observed at varieties of ‘Azar 2’ and ‘Rasad’ respectively. Emergence rate of adults in wheat with high protein levels were decreased and fecundity in this varieties increased. According to these experiments different wheat varieties have high resistance to infestion by mediterranean flour moth, Anagasta kuehniella (Lep.: Pyralidae) and results of this study is disreble for use in agriculture

Keyword :

Anagasta kuehniella, wheat varieties, resistance, flour moth

Author(s) : Madbooni, M. A. Z., Pour Abad, R. F.
Downloads : 1901
Published Issue : 2012 Vol. 7 Number 2

2012 Vol. 7 Number 2