Edible insect species and consumption

Abstract : With the global population expected to reach 9.7 billion by 2050, the planet's agriculture their limited resources such as land and fresh water to meet the food needs of so many people. Concerns are growing as to whether they can afford it. This type of food security concerns about a variety of alternative food sources and edible insects for humans.research has been widely researched recently. In our research of movements from here, a field survey was conducted on edible insects and their consumption in society. In this study, edible insects, their consumption and nutritional values are revealed; A survey was also conducted on insect eating preferences.
Keyword : Nutritional value, food safety, insect farms, insect welfare, consumer perception, health benefits, insect consumption, processing, cooking, bioavailability, bioconversion
Author(s) : Taştan, H., Aydın, İ.
Downloads : 38
Published Issue : 2023 Vol. 18 Number 2

2023 Vol. 18 Number 2