Dorcadion (Maculatodorcadion) triste Frivaldszky, 1845 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae): new for the European fauna, with description of a new subspecies from Greece

Abstract :

In this work, a new subspecies, Dorcadion (Maculatodorcadion) triste lesvicum ssp. nov.,is described from Lesvos island of Greece. Accordingly, the presence of Dorcadion (Maculatodorcadion) triste Frivaldszky, 1845 in Europe is documented for the first time. A pair was collected in April and May 2019, on Lesvos island of Greece. Information on the habitat it was found is given. Its distribution on the island is discussed

Keyword :

Dorcadion (Maculatodorcadion) triste, new subspecies, first records, Cerambycidae, Lesvos

Author(s) : Mpamnaras, A. G., Zafeiriou, S., Özdikmen, H.
Downloads : 236
Published Issue : 2020 Vol. 15 Number 1

2020 Vol. 15 Number 1