11 Mar 2025 Salı
DNA barcoding based additional terrestrial arthropod list from Bangladesh
Abstract :We recorded 24 genera, 31 families within 9 orders of insect arthropods through DNA barcode sequencing (658 bp sequence from the 5′-end of cytochromeoxidase I) from Chittagong university campus (CUC) at a site in Bangladesh. Of them 8 genera with confirmed 5 species, 3 subfamilies, 12 families, and 1 order are newly country records. Whilst, the identified terrestrial non-insect arthropods specimens were 11 genera, 34 families under 9 orders belonging to 5 classes. Among the identified genera, 9 species were confirmed under 7 genera. For their part, 6 species and 15 families are new country records and all are additional DNA barcoding based terrestrial arthropods for Bangladesh.
Arthropods, malaise trap, DNA barcode, Bangladesh