Ditropinotus Crawford, 1907 (Hymenoptera: Torymydae: Microdontomerini) species from Turkey, with descriptions of new species

Abstract :

In Turkey 2 species of Ditropinotus Crawford, 1907 (Hymenoptera: Torymidae), were found in the Southeastern and Central Anatolia of Turkey. The species, D. golbasinensis n.sp. from Adıyaman, Gölbaşı and D. karatayensis sp. nov. from Sakyatan, Karatay, Konya were described, diagnostic characters were illustrated, and compared with the Holarctic D. aureoviridis Crawford, 1907, and an identification key was provided

Keyword :

Ditropinotus  spp., Torymidae, Turkey

Author(s) : Doğanlar, M.
Downloads : 1344
Published Issue : 2016 Vol. 11 Number 2

2016 Vol. 11 Number 2