29 Mar 2025 Cumartesi
Distributional scenario of hover flies (Diptera: Syrphidae) from the state of West Bengal
Abstract :This
study altogether includes 96 species of hover flies under 40genera of 3
subfamilies.Our study further includes 4species of hoverflies that are Chrysotoxum quadrifasciatum Brunetti,
1923; Eristalinus (Eristalinus)
tabanoides (Jaennicke, 1867); Lycastrisalbipes
Walker, 1857 and Eumerus aurifrons
(Wiedemann, 1824) which are reported for the first time from the state of West
Bengal. Their taxonomic keys and detailed diagnostic accounts, as well as the
distributional scenario, have been discussed here with latest updatation of
nomenclature pattern
Diptera, Syrphidae, hover flies, new record, distribution, West Bengal