28 Mar 2025 Cuma
Development of primary cell culture from the heart of Schizothorax niger (Heckel, 1838) and its in-vitro cytotoxicity
Abstract : This work represents a successful attempt to generate the primary cell culture utilizing Schizothorax niger heart explants. S. niger, a freshwater fish, which is an indigenous and endemic cyprinid fish found in the Kashmir Valley. It is a member of the common Himalayan snow-trout species. The process of growing primary cell culture involved putting heart explant tissues in Leibovitz-15 media supplemented with 14-24% FBS (foetal bovine serum); nevertheless, it was found that 18-20% FBS was appropriate for primary cell culture development. Major cell radiation was observed in the primary cell culture at temperatures of 21, 22 and 23 in the tested range of 16-26. From days 2 to 5 of seeding, there was consistent cell growth from explants, and on days 6 to 9, a full monolayer was achieved. The shape of the primary cell culture revealed fibroblast-like development, as the cells were long and elongated. The study examined the effects of Chlorpyrifos, a popular pesticide used on apple orchids. This pesticide treatment showed eruption of the monolayer cells in the primary cell culture within 6-12 hrs.