27 Mar 2025 Perşembe
Culicoides biting midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) of Sarıkum Nature Reserve Area (Sinop-Turkey)
Abstract :This study was carried out between the months of May-October, 2013 and May-November, 2017 in order to identify the Culicoides Latreille (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) species distributed in the Sarıkum Nature Reserve Area (Sinop-Turkey). Culicoides biting midges were collected using the CDC miniature light trap and the black fluorescent light trap. C. achrayi, C. brunnicans, C. delta, C. dzhafarovi, C. fagineus, C. fascipennis, C. nubeculosus, C. pallidicornis, C. parroti, C. pulicaris, C. pumilus, C. riethi, C. shaklawensis, C. simulator species are new records for Sinop province. Distribution of 28 species identified in the study area in Turkey is given.
Biting midges, Culicoides, Ceratopogonidae, fauna, Sarıkum, Sinop, Turkey