Contributions to the species diversity on aquatic beetles (Coleoptera: Helophoridae, Hydrophilidae) fauna of Turkey with new records from Osmaniye province

Abstract : In this study, we established of 25 aquatic beetle species belonging to 8 genera and 2 families from the Osmaniye province in the Mediterranean region of Turkey. Specimens, were collected between 2020 and 2021 from Bahçe, Düziçi and Sumbas districts. While only male individuals of Helochares pallens were given as new records for Turkey in this study, both sexes were given as new records for Osmaniye province. In addition, Chasmogenus livornicus, Helophorus aquaticus, Anacaena lutescens, Coleostoma orbiculare, Laccobius scutellaris, Helochares obscurus and Hydrobius fuscipes were also recorded for the first time from Osmaniye province.
Keyword : Helophoridae, Hydrophilidae, fauna, Osmaniye, Turkey
Author(s) : Özdemirci, S., Mart, A.
Downloads : 56
Published Issue : 2023 Vol. 18 Supplement

2023 Vol. 18 Supplement