Contributions to Coreoidea (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) fauna of Western Black Sea Region

Abstract :

The present study was carried out in various localities in the Western Black Sea Region between the years 2005 and 2007. A total of 25 species /subspecies from 15 genera and 4 families of the superfamily Coreoidae were determined. One of these species belong to Alydidae, 9 species to Coreidae, 13 species/subspecies to Rhopalidae and 2 species to Stenocephalidae. Ten  species are reported as new records for the fauna of Western Black Sea Region. Coriomeris scabricornis Panzer, 1805, Ceraleptus gracilicornis (Herrich-Schäffer, 1835), Rhopalus rufus Schilling, 1829and Stictopleurus punctatonervosus (Goeze, 1778) are rarely distributed species in Turkey

Keyword :

Heteroptera, Coreoidea, fauna, Turkey, Western Black Sea Region

Author(s) : Fent, M., Dursun, A.
Downloads : 494
Published Issue : 2019 Vol. 14 Number 1

2019 Vol. 14 Number 1