Contribution to the Syrphidae (Diptera) fauna in the cereal fields of Souteasthern Anatolia, Turkey

Abstract :

This study was carried out to determine to belong species of Syrphidae family in cereal fields of Adıyaman, Diyarbakır, Şanlıurfa and Mardin provinces of Southeasthern from 2006 to 2009. In surveys, Syrphidae species were collected with sweep net and preserved within tubes being 70% alchole. As a result of study, 17 species were identified. Bu türlerden Eupeodes corollae(F.) and Sphaerophoria turkmenica Bankowska were found the most common and intensively from these species. E. corollae, Sphaerophoria rueppelli (Wiedemann), S. scripta (L.), S. turkmenica, Syritta pipiens (L.), Eristalinus aeneus Scop., Paragus bicolor (F.), Melanostoma mellinum (F.) in Adıyaman; Eristalis arbustorum (F.), E. tenax (F.), Eristalinus aeneus, E. megacephalus Rossi, M. mellinum, P. bicolor, S. turkmenica, S. pipiens in Diyarbakır; M. mellinum and Paragus quadrifasciatus Meigen in Mardin and Chrysotoxum cautum (Harris), Eristalinus sepulchralis (L.)in Şanlıurfawere recorded for the first time

Keyword :

Syrphidae species, cereal fields, Souteasthern Anatolia, Turkey

Author(s) : Gözüaçık, C., Özgen, İ.
Downloads : 568
Published Issue : 2018 Vol. 13 Number 2

2018 Vol. 13 Number 2