11 Mar 2025 Salı
Constrains in management for conservation of muga silkworm (Antherea assamensis Helfer)
Abstract :Non mulberry silk Muga – Golden silk produced only in Brahmaputra valley of Assam province in NE Region. The ranges of biological resources including their genetic resources are renewable in nature or in similar ex- situ conservation with their proper management can fulfill human needs in larger extent. Developing and strengthening of in situ mechanism for seri-biodiversity conservation in the protected areas is the need of the hour. Diseases and pests are the main constrains in management for conservation of muga silkworm.. Flacherie, muscardine, uzi and yellow fly are the most common diseases and pests on muga silkworm which cause significant yield loss in the vanya silk industry. The aerial and ground spraying of bio-control insecticides like Beauveria bassiana and Bacillus thuringiensis to eradicate various kinds of moth caterpillars is an increasingly widespread practice throughout the world. These bio-control agents severely affect the vanya silkworms ie. the non target insects through different mode of transmission. Aspergilosis in muga silk moth during “Bhodia” (August) seed crop causes 35-40% loss in seed production. Therefore to understand the main constrains in management for conservation of vanya silk are discussed in the study
Constrain, disease, pest, vanya silkworm