28 Mar 2025 Cuma
Checklist of wild silk moths of North East India (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae, Bombycidae)
Abstract :More
than 200 specimens were collected from six states of North East India
(Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Manipur and Mizoram) and 41
species were identified belongs to Saturniidae (31 species) and 9 species
(Bombycidae). The identification is validated through taxonomic treated male
genitalia of all sericigenous moths. Two new subspecies have been described of
genus Loepa from Nagaland and Arunachal Pradesh. One new report of Antheraea
sp. is reported from Nagaland. All illustration including morphological features,
external genitalic characters along with field photographs and description of
illustrated characters have been completed. Color photographic plates are being
prepared along with description, which will be published soon. According to
conservation point of view, the species are to be recorded from the places,
which can be explored and documented for future references. All the specimens
have to be preserved for future references, so that other scientists can quote
and refer for identification of species from voucher collection. All silk moths
along with cocoons and plant’s leave from where it was collected have been
preserved at Insect Repository, CMERTI, Lahdoigarh. This will be utilized for
correct identification of silk moth species of North East India. There were
many misidentifications among A. compta, A. pernyi, A. helferi, A. royali,
A. frithii, A. mylitta and A. andamana (platessa)(new
record), which have been corrected through illustration of genitalic structure.
According to genitalic structure of A. assamensis, it is found that this
species does not match with any other species of genus Antheraea,
because of it special characters of labidae in valvae of male genitalia. In
evolutionary stage, A. assamensis is the oldest species among all
species of Antheraea. A further
study may be conducted for DNA barcoding for the species. Antheraea compta, Attacus atlas,
Cricula trifenstrata have been reared for continuing the generation, but
Antheraea compta cocoons are under diapauses and Attacus atlas only
one generation was successful.North Eastern region is one of the
biodiversity hotspots for flora and fauna among 34 biodiversity hotspots of
Bombycidae, checklist, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Manipur
and Mizoram