Checklist of predators and parasitoids of Sitobion spp. (Hemiptera: Aphididae) and their distribution in India

Abstract : In this article, the arthropod predators and parasitoids of 8 species of Sitobion Mordvilko, 1914 (Aphididae: Hemiptera) are catalogued along with their prey/host aphids and their host plants distributed in different states and union territories of India. Most common species are Sitobion avenae (Fabricius, 1775), Sitobion miscanthi (Takahashi, 1921) and Sitobion rosaeiformis (Das, 1918) which are pestiferous on cereal grains (wheat, barley, mays, millets) and roses. Predatory arthropods of Sitobion spp. mostly belong to one order of class Arachnida, the Araneae (spiders) (7 families) and four orders of the class Insecta: Coleoptera (families Coccinellidae), Diptera (family Syrphidae), Hemiptera (family Nabidae), and Neuroptera (families Chrysopidae, Hemerobiidae). Among the Araneae, 15 species of spiders were reported belonging to to prey on 3 species of Sitobion in only 4 states of India. The Coccinellidae (ladybird beetles) is the largest family having 33 species feeding on Sitobion spp. infesting 12 species of host plants distributed in 12 states/union territories of India. A total of 23 species of these ladybird beetles prey on Sitobion roseiformis in 8 states/union territories of India. Similarly, 11 species of the hover flies (Syrphidae) prey on Sitobion spp. infesting 3 species of host plants distributed in 12 states of India. Four species of lacewings (Neuroptera) are recorded to prey these aphids India. A total of 141 tritrophic associations were recorded. Regarding the parasitoids, a total of 20 species (one species belonging to Aphelinidae; and 19 species of Aphidiinae (Braconidae) were recorded to parasitise 8 species of Sitobion infesting 14 plant species in 11 states/union territories of India. A total 61 tritrophic associations were recorded. Aphelinidae is represented by a single species, Aphelinus gossypii Timberlake, 1924 while 19 species of Aphidiinae (Braconidae) belonging to 8 genera are recorded as parasitoids of Sitobion spp. among which Aphidius uzbekistanicus Luzhetzki, 1960 is more diversified parasitising 5 species of Sitobion aphids infesting 8 plant species in 6 states of India. Indeed, very limited attempts have been made to record these predators and parasitoids infesting these aphids in India and most of the regions are still unexplored and need an intensive survey plan to record them in that areas.
Keyword : Aphelinidae, Braconidae, Aphidiinae, biological control, cereal aphids, checklist, parasitoids, predators, rose aphids, Sitobion spp.
Author(s) : Singh, R.
Downloads : 9
Published Issue : 2025 Vol. 20 Number 1

2025 Vol. 20 Number 1