Catalogue of Longhorned Beetles of LEMT (Lodos Entomological Museum, Turkey) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) Part II: Lamiinae and Dorcadioninae

Abstract :

In this second part of study, material belonging to two subfamilies of Cerambycidae housed in the collection of Lodos Entomological Museum, Turkey (LEMT) have been evaluated. A total of 56 species and 44 subspecies belonging to 26 genera have been presented. Among those Pygoptosia eugeniae (Ganglbauer, 1884) is a new record for Turkey. Additional new provincial and regional records for many species have been given

Keyword :

Fauna, Cerambycidae, the longhorned beetles, Turkey, biodiversity

Author(s) : Tezcan, S., Karsavuran, Y., Pehlivan, E., Özdikmen, H.
Downloads : 249
Published Issue : 2020 Vol. 15 Number 1

2020 Vol. 15 Number 1