Bionomics of Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Psyllidae), on Citrus sinensis in Jammu Region of J & K State

Abstract :

The objective of this work is to study the biology of Asian Citrus psyllids, Diaphorina citri Kuwayama on Citrus sinensis in Jammu and Kashmir, India having varied agro-climatic conditions ranging from tropical, sub-tropical to temperate conditions. C. sinensis (Sweet Orange) is a cherished and economically important fruit in Jammu region of J & K State which is severely attacked by Asian citrus psyllids, a very serious pest of citrus in India. Both adults and nymphs suck sap of citrus plants, reduce their vigour and kill tender shoots. Citrus psylla has also been established as a vector of the ‘greening disease’. Thus, an attempt was made to study the biology of D. citri in Jammu. The insects were reared in the laboratory at room temperature (10.84°C-32.87°C) and relative humidity of 26%-80% on C. sinensis plantlets. Eggs were laid in clusters on the half opened tender leaves and tender twigs. There are five nymphal stages with length varying from 0.26-2.96 mm. The incubation, nymphal and adult longevity were 2.28±0.18, 14.86+1.07 and 10±1.23 days respectively. Thus, the psyllid has a total life span of 20 to 36.5 days (27.14+2.34 days). The present study is an important step in future to record the no. of generations of Asian Citrus psyllids on C. sinensis and for the timely management of the pest

Keyword :

Diaphorina citri, biology, Citrus sinensis, Asian Citrus psyllid, morphometric measurements, life cycle

Author(s) : Chhetry, M., Gupta, R., Tara, J. S.
Downloads : 1797
Published Issue : 2012 Vol. 7 Number 1

2012 Vol. 7 Number 1