12 Mar 2025 Çarşamba
Bionomics of aak weevil, Paramecops farinosa (Wiedemann) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), a pest of Calotropis procera (Ait.) R. Br. in Jammu Division of J & K State (India)
Abstract :The bionomics of Aak weevil Paramecops farinosa (Wiedemann) has been studied on Calotropis procera (Ait.) R. Br. in Jammu, Reasi and Rajouri Districts of Jammu region of J & K State. This is the first report from India as well as the world. P. farinosa has been observed as a major pest of C. procera, an important medicinal plant which is grown only in restricted patches in Jammu region of J & K State. Adults feed externally on the tender leaves and flowers whereas larvae feed internally with in the developing seed pods causing heavy damage. Mating usually occurs during night or early morning hours. Copulation lasts for 30 to 45 minutes and females oviposit in the pericarp of seed pods and lay 6 to 12 eggs per clutch. Eggs are oval with both ends rounded, creamish to dull yellow. Larvae are apodous, soft, and cylindrical with dark brown head and pass through five larval instars. Egg, larval and pupal periods is 6.20±0.66, 22.50±1.55 and 18.00±1.47 respectively. The total period from egg to adult takes about 46.70±3.75 days. Adults emerge from the infested seed pods from June to November without any interruption and remain actively feeding on host plants till the beginning of next fruiting stage. The pests breed throughout the year and do not undergo winter rest. At least two generations are observed from June to November.
Bionomics, Paramecops farinosa, Calotropis procera, Medicinal plant, Jammu, Reasi, Rajouri, India