09 Mar 2025 Pazar
Biodiversity of parasitoids of Aphis spp. (Homoptera: Aphididae) in India
Abstract : The present paper deals with the host relationship between aphid parasitoids, aphids and their host plants in different states/union territories of India. The checklist demonstrated the presence of a total of 61 species of parasitoids (10 species belonging to Aphelinidae; one species belonging to Encyrtidae and 49 species of Aphidiinae (Braconidae) parasitising 22 species of aphids belonging to the genus Aphis infesting 173 plant species in 25 states/union territories of India. Most of the host plants are highly economically important agricultural crops. A total of 616 tritrophic associations were recorded. Aphelinidae is represented by a single genus, Aphelinus while Aphidiinae (Braconidae) comprises 49 species belonging to 11 genera, among which Binodoxys indicus (Subba Rao & Sharma) and Lipolexis oregmae (Gahan) are polyphagous and diversified parasitising 14 and 11 species of aphids infesting 84 and 64 plant species in 18 and 16 states/union territories of India, respectively.