14 Mar 2025 Cuma
Avian coccidiosis - A critical review
Abstract :Avian coccidiosis, a disease of the intestinal tract caused by protozoan parasites of the Eimeria genus is a widespread and economically significant disease of livestock. It is the most expensive parasitic disease of poultry sector and has been acknowledged as a deadly disease of flocks that hampers worldwide chicken productivity and compromise welfare. From its first official report in 1891 to date, this disease has accounted for tremendous economic losses through various epidemics correlated with high mortality and morbidity of the host. This has been reported as a complex disease that predisposes the birds to other infectious entities. In the worldwide effort to control avian coccidiosis, the development of anti-coccidial drugs since the 1940’s until now has increased significantly. However, resistance to these anti-coccidial chemical compounds has been reported due to their prolonged use, which has directed the search for the use of natural products to control avian coccidiosis.
Coccidiosis, Eimeria, mortality, drugs, recombinant vaccines, probiotics, nanoparticles