29 Mar 2025 Cumartesi
Assessment of stored-product insect pest in export-bound produce from government licensed warehouses in Lagos state, Nigeria
Abstract :The
study examined stored product insect pest in export-bound produce in government
licensed warehouses in Nigeria. Four government licensed export bound
warehouses (Isolo, Ijora, Ilasamaja and Mile 2) within Lagos metropolis were
assessed for storage pest of cocoa, ginger and sesame. These produce were treated with methyl
bromide at the rate of 48g/cm3 for 72hours; aluminum phosphide at
the rate of 33g/1000cc and untreated control used for comparison. The
assessment was conducted in the laboratory using completely randomized design
(CRD). Pests on produce and warehouse, weight loss in produce and efficacy of
the treatment used were assessed respectively. Ten pests were predominant on
cocoa, six on ginger and two on sesame. The populations of insects differ
significantly (p<0.05) in each warehouse assessed while no
significant difference was obtained in the population of mites. The population
of live and dead insects and mites increased as the days after pesticide
application increased. The population of live insects in untreated samples was
significantly higher (3.84) than those treated with aluminum phosphide (0.85)
and methyl bromide (0.13) of dead insects. Population in samples treated with
aluminum phosphide was significantly higher (13.89) compared with methyl
bromide treated (11.00) and the untreated (5.15) samples. Significant weight
loss of 13.2percent, 3.74percent and 1.71percent were recorded in untreated
produce. The weight decreased significantly as the days increased. Two mites
were predominantly in sesame. Effectiveness of the chemical showed on the
treated produce. More pest population occurred in Mile 2 warehouse
warehouse, storage pest, produce, insect/mites, pesticide application