28 Mar 2025 Cuma
Analysis of nutrient compositon of Rynchophorus phoenicis (giant african palm weevil) as a healthy nutrient alternative
Abstract : The observation by nutritionist and scientists about the possible involvement of red meats from different farm animals as cancer causing agent in addition to the high cost of these meat sources have given societal need to look for other sources. Among the possible alternatives is the edible African Palm Weevil Rynchophorus phoenicis. the nutritional proximate and phytochemistry of the edible insect was determined. The result showed that this edible insect is high in all the parameter tested. As compared to beef, the average weight of these edible insect is 7.34g. A single 7.34g of African Palm Weevil contain 8.49% protein wet weight and 7.04% dry weight. While a 100g of beef contains 21.50% protein. Therefore, 100g weight of the African Palm weevil should release more protein per gram than the beef. The same is true of other measured parameters. Poor households can used African Palm Weevil as their cheap nutrients source. Production farms can create jobs and improve income.