An investigation on Thrips fauna of Guilan province, North of Iran (Insecta: Thysanoptera)

Abstract :

Seventeen species of thrips (Insecta: Thysanoptera) were collected in the present survey from various plants in Guilan province. A fungus feeding genus, Hoplothrips was recorded from Iran for the first time. Ecological information about all these 17 species is provided. Three species, Franklineilla intonsa, Microcephalothrips abdominalis and Thrips tabaci are considered as Tospovirus vectors in Guilan provience

Keyword :

Thrips, Thysanoptera, Guilan provience, fauna, Hoplothrips

Author(s) : Sendi, J. J., Zibaee, I., Minaee, K.
Downloads : 2237
Published Issue : 2011 Vol. 6 Number 1

2011 Vol. 6 Number 1