An evaluation on the insect fauna of Turkey on the 100th anniversary of the foundation of the Republic of Turkey

Abstract : This study, conducted as of end of 2023 and commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Turkey's founding, reveals that Turkey's insect fauna comprises 37794 identified species and subspecies distributed across 598 families and 25 orders. The predominant orders, along with their respective species and subspecies counts and percentages in descending order, are as follows: Coleoptera (13396 / 35.44%), Hymenoptera (8053 / 21.31%), Lepidoptera (5606 / 14.83%), Diptera (4329 / 11.45%), and Hemiptera (3751 / 9.93%). These five orders collectively account for 35135 species and subspecies, constituting 92.96% of the total. The remaining orders each contribute less than 2% to the overall count. The article also delves into the dynamics of species and subspecies changes within families, highlighting the shifts in Turkey's fauna over the past 15 years.
Keyword : Insecta, biodiversity, fauna, insect diversity, Turkey
Author(s) : Tezcan, S.
Downloads : 56
Published Issue : 2024 Vol. 19 Number 2

2024 Vol. 19 Number 2