Additional notes on aquatic Coleoptera fauna of Turkey with a new record (Helophoridae, Hydrophilidae)

Abstract :

In this study, 31 aquatic beetle specimens collected from the provinces Denizli, Aydın, Isparta and Antalya in south-west Mediterranean region of Turkey, between 2000– 2002 have been established faunistically. It has been determined that they belong to 13 species of 7 genera of 2 families. 7 of these examined species are new records for south-west Mediterranean region and Helophorus (s.str.) grandis Illiger, 1798 is a new record for Turkey.

Keyword :

Coleoptera, Helophoridae, Hydrophilidae, fauna, new record, Turkey

Author(s) : Kıyak, S., Canbolat, S., Salur, A., Darılmaz, M.
Downloads : 3122
Published Issue : 2006 Vol. 1 Number 2

2006 Vol. 1 Number 2