A new record from the genus Callicera Panzer, 1809 (Insecta: Diptera: Syrphidae) from India

Abstract :

One species of genus Callicera namely Calliceranitens Coe, 1964 is recorded for the first time from India. A brief diagnosis, imagesand comparison with allied species are provided to validate this speciesscientifically as a new faunal record from India. The genera as well as the speciesshows rare distribution pattern along India as well as Oriental region range.There are various environmental and anthropogenic factors that contribute as athreat to the survival strategy of this pollinating hoverfly. Therefore documentationof this species hold high significance in conservation decision making and in ensuring future food security

Keyword :

Taxonomy, New Record, Hoverfly, Syrphidae, Callicera, India

Author(s) : Sengupta, J., Naskar, A., Parui, P., Homechaudhuri, S., Banerjee, D.
Downloads : 159
Published Issue : 2020 Vol. 15 Number 1

2020 Vol. 15 Number 1