A contribution to fauna of Turkish Neuropteran insects from Ardahan, Iğdır and Kars provinces (Insecta: Neuroptera)

Abstract :

This study is based on 176 specimens belonging to 18 species of 11 genera of 5 families of the order Neuroptera, and these insects were collected from Ardahan, Iğdır, and Kars provinces between years 2001 and 2003. Distribution of each species in Turkey and in the world has also been presented.

Keyword :

Distribution, fauna, Turkey, Ascalaphidae, Hemerobiidae, Mantispidae, Nemopteridae, Neuroptera

Author(s) : Arı, İ., Aktaş, M., Kıyak, S.
Downloads : 3318
Published Issue : 2008 Vol. 3 Number 1

2008 Vol. 3 Number 1